Energy Disks help to clear out the negative energy of a room (without smoke/smell), balance your chakras and meridians, clear energy blocks, raise your vibration (or food, water, crystals), and manifest more easily. They can be used alone or with Reiki and other energy healing methods.

Due to the imbalance (low exchange rate) between the Canadian dollar and US dollar, I will not be ordering more energy disks until at least Jan 2021 because my supplier is in the US. 


My experiences with the subtle energy disks (or Powerforms):

When I am feeling upset, anxious or not grounded for some reason, I can hold the Neutral Space Plate between my hands and feel as calm in seconds as if I had taken deep breaths in a quiet place for 15 minutes. (read more)

Divine Essence Disks

~created in 2013 for modern energies

The disks are round and 3″ in diameter (width). Each disk comes with a booklet that has suggested finger positions and affirmations. Some people use the disks without the instructions and are happy with the simpler uses. Others appreciate the depth and options of the exercises in the booklet.

Earth Body Disk

…Earth element   canadian flag $66 incl tax Free shipping to Canada/US
(Sorry – sold out)

earthsmallActivates your earth connection. Use to assist you to become grounded and centred. Helps support your physical body and life energy. When you are grounded your intuition is more accurate.

Some of the affirmations you can use:
“I am at peace, as I feel the pulse of life in each moment.”
“Life flows to me and flows from me, in perfect balance.”
“I relax into the life energy bath that sparkles within me.”

Galaxy Heart Disk

…Water element   canadian flag $66 incl tax Free shipping to Canada/US
(Sorry – sold out)

Galaxy Heart Energy Disk
Activates your heart nectar, especially your heart centre. Helps support you to feel and release emotions. It stimulates a flowing feeling and shared heart oneness. Opening up the back of your heart chakra will allow you to receive (love, money, and other forms of energy) and opening up the front will allow you to give.

Some of the affirmations you can use:
“My heart-pulse heals every part of me.”
“I am calmly renewed in each moment.”
“I look at everything in my world in a new light-hearted way.”

Solar Essence Disk

…Fire element   canadian flag $66 incl tax Free shipping to Canada/US
(Sorry – sold out)

Solar Essence Energy DiskActivates your focus, especially your solar plexus. Helps support your present moment awareness, your thinking and your creativity. It helps with easier concentration and confident spontaneity. The Solar Essence Disk helps to to strengthen your life energy/etheric body.

Some of the affirmations you can use:
“I relax into the divine spark that I am.”
“My radiance shines within, and balances me.”
“The spark of the sun shines forth within me.”

Cosmic Harmony Disk

…Air element   canadian flag $66 incl tax Free shipping to Canada/US
(Sorry – sold out)

Cosmic Harmony Energy DiskActivates your crown chakra and central channel. Helps support your consciousness, connection to your higher self, and connection to the spiritual part of you. The Cosmic Harmony Disk gives you an expanded sense of possiblities.

Some of the affirmations you can use:
“The universal wave flows and heals throughout my body.”
“The silent center of the divine awareness is within me.”
“I bathe in my deep universal pulse.”

Soul Activator Disk (energetic design updated in 2012)

…awakening to life   canadian flag $40 incl tax Free shipping to Canada/US

(Sorry – sold out)

Activator subtle energy disk

Place the Activator on your chakras, or place it anywhere on your body. Sit on the Activator to activate flowing energy in the spine or carry it in your pocket. Some people may feel energized from the energy flow, and some may feel relaxed. The Activator assists you to attune with your own positive energy and unique vibrations. When conscious intent is used with the Activator, it helps you to activate the projects. When combined with the Balancer and Portal, and with stones and crystals, the Activator is a catalyst – the spark that “ignites” any process.

Some of the affirmations to use with the Activator (included in the instruction booklet):
“I move decisively towards the solution”
“I release limitation”
“Body, mind, and spirit are one”

I placed the Activator on each of my chakras (about 5 minutes each). Clearing started immediately. I felt lighter and clearer, as though some heaviness had been lifted out of my aura.
– Esther R., massage practitioner

I had my golfing partners put the Activator in their left shoe. They found, to their surprise, that they could drive the ball farther. Also, I found that when I put the Activator on the floor under my left shoe at work, I felt more alert and energized.
– Tony C., feng shui teacher

Neutral Space Plate (energetic design updated in 2012)

…stabilize your energy   canadian flag $85 incl tax Free shipping to Canada/US
 (Sorry, sold out)

Neutral Space Plate by Joel Bruce WallachThe Neutral-Space Plate allows you to release negative energies that have attached to you from other people. It protects you from unbalanced energies, and helps you remove negative energy-patterns that confine, limit or distort your true self. It helps you stabilize your energy in challenging situations. Hold the plate on your navel with your hand for a few minutes and your energy will become smoother and allow you to think effectively and realistically.

Some of the affirmations to use with the Neutral-Space Plate (included in the instruction booklet):
“I release the past”
“I boldly take my journey’s next step”
“I feel my life’s deeper purpose”

Cell-Balancer Plate (Gentle)

…harmony with Earth   canadian flag $60 incl tax Free shipping to Canada/US
(Sorry – sold out)

Cell-Balancer Powerform

The Balancer helps center and calm, and allows you to relax more deeply in your body.  The Balancer, especially when used at the soles of the feet and palms of the hands, unifies the mind and body. Excessive mental chatter is quieted. Use it to release negative energy-patterns that confine, limit or distort your true self. The Balancer can be placed anywhere on the body – it can be held in your hand and gently moved through the aura or through the room to clear energy blockages – and it can be held in your hands to center your energy as you meditate, pray, focus, or simply relax. When intent is used with the Balancer, it assists all projects requiring grounding, centering, harmony, and peace.

Some of the affirmations to use with the Cell Balancer (included in the instruction booklet):
“I experience Eternity’s heartbeat”
“I align with my highest potential”
“I embody inner peace”

Super-Cell Plate (energetic design updated in 2011)

…faster transformation   canadian flag $80 incl tax Free shipping to Canada/US
(Sorry – sold out

I hold the Portal or Balancer with my thumbs on the two circles and meditate or focus on it. It helps stabilize me when I am pre-occupied. When I go to work at parties I either put it in a vest pocket or back pocket. They enable me to work through the vibrations of a corporate party with greater ease.
-Spencer G., Astrologer, Counsellor, Author

Portal Plate (energetic design updated in 2012)

…opening to your potential   canadian flag $75 incl tax Free shipping to Canada/US
(Sorry – sold out)

Portal energy diskThe Portal is mainly used with intent – it works with you to help you attune, manifest, and be your highest truth. The Portal can be used to purify “stuck energy” and return it to the body or the room. The Yin side dissolves stuck energy; the yang side expands and multiplies energy. For energy workers, the Portal helps the energy flow into the deeper levels of the client more easily, so that heavier patterns trapped within the client surface and clear quickly. The Portal also works together with the Activator (the catalyst) and Balancer (stabilizing and unifying). The Portal seems to generate the ability to see clearly on a multi-dimensional level. It enhances the meditative state.

I find it easier to let go of thought and enter a no-time-space awareness. If I am looking for communication with my higher self, the Portal lessens the journey time.
Denise N., L.Ac., Teacher

It is easier to do long-distance work with the assistance of the Portals. There is less psychic interference and “noise”. We use intent to activate the healing beam…old patterns can be transmuted and shifted quickly and easily.
Glen M. & Renee F., healers, inventors, teachers

Serenity Star Shield

…protection from EMFs    canadian flag $65 incl tax Free shipping to Canada/US
(Sorry – sold out)

Serenity Star PowerformProtect your aura from electromagnetic forces from cell phones, tvs, and other electronics.  Use it to re-charge, stabilize, balance and smooth your energy.  Clear blocked energy.  Wear as a necklace, hold in your hands, or tape it onto electronic devices.

Wear as a necklace with the cord that is included or use with your hands.